The Food Emporium StoreThe Food Emporium is a supermarket chain that operates in New York City, America and surrounding areas. They sell an array of gourmet grocery products including deli, bottled water, chocolate and cheese.

The history of the company goes back to 1919 when the company founder, Louise Daitch, opened a diary company originally selling butter and eggs. Between opening and 1955, a total of 34 stores opened in New York City, Long Island and Connecticut as a result of the merger with Shopwell Foods. This store differs from others in the area as they had an in-house chef and catered to up-market customers rather than value shoppers and had specialty shops.

The company peaked in 1962 with a total of 103 stores, but the company claims that their growth is not their main priority. In 1979, they decided to reduce the number of stores across the company by closing down the stores in poorer areas. They revamped the stores gradually over the years to make them appear more up market by mixing gourmet products with regular products rather than having a small gourmet section like other supermarkets and formalizing the uniforms of store clerks by adding ties.

It was not until the mid 1980s that The Food Emporium came under the ownership of The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, when it was sold by Rosengarten. There were no key events in the rest of the eighties other than a few store openings and closings here and there. However, in the 1990s the company expanded from New York into New Jersey and opened another 20 stores.

Recently, the company has been sharing the financial trouble of their parent company.

The company headquarters is located at the following address: 20 Livingstone Avenue, Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522 U.S.A. Other important statistics about the company can be found listed below:

Ownership: The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company
Public / Private: Public
Mergers: Kohl’s Food Emporium, Shopwell Foods and Waldbaum
Number of Stores: 17
Number of Employees: 4,000
Annual Revenue: $720 million in 1999
Geography: New York
Demographic: Upscale Market
Special Services: Catering and Gifts

Kohl’s Food Emporium
Dominion Food Emporium

Fine Food
FE Private Label
America’s Choice

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