The benefits of leafy green vegetables for the body have long been proven and we’ve heard nothing but praise about what these vegetables can do for one’s health. However, it has also been found that dark colored fruits and vegetables can also do the body good.

Black or dark colored fruits and vegetables have also been found to be nutritional powerhouses, as well. These types of food are said to lower the risks of health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

According to Professor Cy Lee of Cornell University, black colored foods are said to contain even a higher amount of antioxidants than lighter colored ones. The black coloring is a result of the presence of anthocyanins, which are thought to prevent the occurrence of the certain health conditions.

Among these dark colored ‘super foods’ are black rice, black lentils, blackberries, black beans, black soybeans and black tea. The bran hulls of black rice contain higher levels of vitamin E, which protects cells from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E also strengthens the immune system. Black lentils are full of iron and also contain high amounts of soluble fiber, which may significantly decrease the level of cholesterol in the body and improve the immune system. Blackberries contain polyphenols which clean up cells that harm brain function. Blackberries also contain a huge amount of fiber. Black beans contain bioflavonoids, which are potent in fighting cancer. Black soybeans have been said to reduce the risk potentially fatal thrombosis. Black tea contains theaflavins which improves recovery from muscle soreness. Drinking black tea regularly also reduces the risk of a heart attack.