Statistics show that about 30% of cancers are caused by poor diet. With this information, diet has started being considered as a major factor in the development of cancer. Because diet is a controllable factor, changing the type of foods that a person eats can significantly increase or decrease their risks for developing cancer. Eating foods that are high in antioxidants and cancer-fighting elements may reduce a person’s possibility of contracting this dreaded disease.


Tomatoes are popularly known as being rich in the nutrient Lycopene. Lycopene has been proven to lower the risk of cervical, prostate and ovarian cancer. Good concentrated sources of lycopene are tomato products like spaghetti sauce, ketchup and tomato paste.


Berries are an excellent source of anthocyanins. This chemical is also responsible for the color of berries. Anthocyanins are considered powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants play a very important role in preventing esophageal and colon cancer.


Black or green tea is a good, natural source of catechins, which are powerful antioxidants that inhibit the development of cancer. Catechins are said to lower the risk of skin, stomach and liver cancers. They are also found in red wine, apples and chocolate.


Spinach is packed with vitamin E and lutein. Both chemicals are considered antioxidants that help fight cancers of the ovaries, prostate, liver and colon.


Pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C, which is a known antioxidant. This fruit also contains bromelain, which has been said to fight lung and breast cancer.

Broccoli Sprouts

Broccoli sprouts are very good sources for the chemical sulforaphane. Sulforaphane has been suggested to reduce the risk of developing stomach, skin or breast cancer. Although broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels also contain sulforaphane, broccoli sprouts contain a relatively large amount of this chemical.


Soybeans and other foods that have soybeans as a primary ingredient contain isoflavones. This chemical has been suggested to lower down the risk of developing prostate and breast cancer. Isoflavone does this by protecting the cells against the negative effects of estrogen. Some examples of soybean products include tofu, soymilk and soy nuts.


Pumpkin, carrots, peppers (yellow and red), sweet potatoes and squash are very good sources of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is also a powerful antioxidant that helps fight cancer.


Garlic is said to reduce the possibility of developing stomach, breast and esophageal cancer. To increase the potency of garlic as a cancer-fighting food, mince it ten minutes prior to cooking.


Apples contain quercetin that is said to fight cancer cells that grow in the lungs. This chemical is also said to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.