Food and beverage giant Dr Pepper Snapple Group has recently introduced a new kind of product that’s specifically for men only. Dr Pepper Ten, the new beverage, is a carbonated soft drink that contains only 10 calories and 2 grams of sugar.

Dr Pepper Ten is a beverage that offers a sweeter taste, yet still maintains that unique flavor that is the signature of Dr Pepper. A regular Dr Pepper soda contains a total of twenty-three flavor ingredients (which results in a beverage having 27 grams of sugar and 150 calories for every can). The new Dr Pepper Ten still contains all of these same flavors, but with significantly less sugar and calories.

Like Pepsi Max and Coke Zero (although both subtly promoted), Dr Pepper Ten is a diet soda that specifically targets men consumers. This new beverage’s ad campaign is about encouraging men who want to drink a soda that has less calories. The new product’s packaging makes use of a masculine design, with a color scheme that emphasizes gunmetal gray. Its bold font and industrial rivets also adds to the product’s masculine appeal.

In the early part of 2011, Dr Pepper Ten was test-marketed in six markets, complete with a marketing campaign that was clearly macho. Through TV commercials, in-store displays and radio advertisements, the product was introduced to the entire market. With this campaign, the company was able to achieve results that exceeded expectations. Currently, Dr Pepper Ten is already available in different retail stores all over the country and men will get to experience this bold drink that has less calories.